Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Have you enjoyed the rainy day surprise !

Have you enjoyed the rainy day surprise ? on 30 and 31 October

Awesome week !
Because of the rain in Chennai
Whenever the rain starts my eye’s also start enjoying the clean pleasant green view.
My eyes usually get tried watching tv, video games, working in laptops, sharing in social media but now my eyes feel pleasant. 
I am a mini nature lover and I am very much interested to see my plant which I have plant around my house and also in my terrace after the rain intermission for one or two hours.
Always their will be new plant can you guess why ?
Its the seeds fall from the dead plants.
That’s why I said it is rainy surprise.
Have you enjoyed this !

Thursday, October 25, 2018

How to get valid back links !

Yes, I am also learning about how to get valid back links on my learning also with case study I found that an article about financial technology in mid east has given backlinks for the companies which was discussed in that article.

So I reached the editor through the mail for including my client in next fintech article and also after time I reached response from the editor saying that this can be done with package.

My understanding about an article

B.Praveen kumar roll # 30

I am Praveen and I am not a good in article reading but this one was quite understandable. The article discussed about how to power up the title tag using some of keywords like best, awesome...etc.

According to the article short title is good compared to long title and also they have discussed of “pogosticking “ which also need to be understood.

Reference - https://backlinko.com/actionable-seo-tips